Offizielle Climate Action Campaign des UN Environment Programme von blue life.
Offizielle Climate Action Campaign des UN Environment Programme von blue life.
UN Secretary-General, António Guterres
All life has its origin in water. With the colour BLUE. Therefore blue life. And 3 other colours, all of which embody the three central facets of sustainability: Ecological. Social. Economic. – But also water – ground – air – as well as climate- forest and water protection and biodiversity. What they all have in common is that they require decisive and collective action.
Act now.
Because we do not want to leave a burden to future generations, but a world with perspective and positive prospects for the future. In order to make such a world a reality, we need suitable ideas, strategies and measures that look at the big picture. And this requires numerous agents who contribute their energy, their knowledge and skills, their experience and their passion to actively shape a sustainable and liveable future.
As a non-profit organisation, blue life aims to bring people, organisation and cooperating partners together to implement projects for the reforestation of mangrove forests and thereby practice climate protection. Here, everyone can make a contribution – and we pave the way.
As part of its work, blue life developed a climate action media initiative for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with a TV spot that aired in Germany in late 2020. For this, UNEP and blue life entered into a strategic partnership in March 2020.
Blue life’s tasks here entailed: Development of the idea for the realisation, concept, creation, production, research & data. Network partners: St. Elmos (creation), Yamamoto Film Munich (production), Media4Planet (media placement).
As a voice for our planet, we bear the role of mediator and communicator who also wants to empower you to be a part of the change – applying simple mechanisms and a high level of transparency.
It is blue life’s fundamental belief that everything is interconnected. What you sow, you harvest – this also applies to our negative influences on the natural environment of this planet, our home. This is why it is important to adopt a holistic approach to Sustainable Transformation – in other words, if possible, not only to plant mangroves, but to start at the source of the symptom and to carry out a restructuring in order to conserve resources and thus drive climate protection. The partner responsible for making this happen is our licensing partner blue life consulting, with whom we work in close cooperation.
Our promise
In intensive exchange with the scientific community, we are constantly researching suitable long-term climate protection projects to offset CO2 emissions that meet the following criteria:
Nursery for mangrove plants in Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park/ Myanmar. (Worldview International Foundation (n.d.))
Standards are an important component of climate protection projects. They define the requirements, make the projects measurable and are a quality promise for companies and clients. We, and therefore also our licensing partner blue life consulting, only offer projects that are certified with the leading standards “Gold Standard” or “Verified Carbon Standard” securing honest climate action. This ensures that all projects guarantee the highest level of additionality and further sustainable goals.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals
In the 2030 Agenda, the UN has set out 17 key sustainable goals for the coming years. These include, for example, social goals, such as combating poverty and hunger, as well as ecological goals, such as the cleaning up of the oceans, the preservation of forests and many more. The projects of blue life consulting are designed to contribute to the achievement of as many of these goals as possible.
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN
Our project since 2018 – the mangrove stewardship.
The goal: education and CO2 compensation through mangroves, in the future mainly by means of customer relationship programmes (CRM) in combination with a blockchain technology. This approach has the advantage of instrumentalising ecosystem services for the reforestation of valuable carbon sinks, taking into account the triple bottom line of sustainable development.
Our project since 2018 – the mangrove stewardship.
The goal: education and CO2 compensation through mangroves, in the future mainly by means of customer relationship programmes (CRM) in combination with a blockchain technology. This approach has the advantage of instrumentalising ecosystem services for the reforestation of valuable carbon sinks, taking into account the triple bottom line of sustainable development.
Planting mangrove seedlings in Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park/Myanmar. (Worldview International Foundation (n.d.))
After all, the restoration and protection of mangrove forests offers a combination of global climate action, local climate protection and social perspectives for local residents. All this takes place under the supervision of and in cooperation with the ZMT – Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research and, of course, the Worldvie International Foundation (WIF) on site. You can find out more about WIF’s project here.
After all, the restoration and protection of mangrove forests offers a combination of global climate action, local climate protection and social perspectives for local residents. All this takes place under the supervision of and in cooperation with the ZMT – Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research and, of course, the Worldvie International Foundation (WIF) on site. You can find out more about WIF’s project here.
Planting areas at the Thor Heyerdahl Climate Park/ Myanmar. (Worldview International Foundation (n.d.))
Five facts about mangroves as an ecosystem network
World’s first sustainable media model – digital and anywhere
What if only a fraction of the global advertising market went into preserving our planet? What if every campaign automatically made the world a better place? This is the vision of our media concept, which offers advertising companies the opportunity to occupy a new stage for the communication of sustainable products or services at exclusive broadcasting times. For this purpose, blue life bundles attractive advertising spaces from media partners of all types (TV, online, OOH, print).
Together with UNEP, blue life designed, produced and placed the first global spot on climate protection, which can now be supported by companies and brands and whose airing can be the first step towards a new awareness. Every company that wants to join the journey is invited to do so.
UN climate protection campaign in cooperation with blue life and the respective advertising partner.
We are an interdisciplinary team consisting of experts in the fields of sustainability, science, data & research, consulting, marketing & media and innovation management, who expand their system boundaries as and when required and by means of our network function. Because science has long since proven: The planet needs urgent transition. Only close cooperation between different disciplines can bring us to the point of sustainable action and, more generally, development that serves the continuation of biodiversity and thus our community.
We are an interdisciplinary team consisting of experts in the fields of sustainability, science, data & research, consulting, marketing & media and innovation management, who expand their system boundaries as and when required and by means of our network function. Because science has long since proven: The planet needs urgent transition. Only close cooperation between different disciplines can bring us to the point of sustainable action and, more generally, development that serves the continuation of biodiversity and thus our community.
Fulfilling this vision is our greatest ambition. We want to motivate, inspire and help you to become part of this transition and to successfully implement it.
With our network, we can draw on the relevant expertise depending on the project and give you a helping hand.
Fulfilling this vision is our greatest ambition. We want to motivate, inspire and help you to become part of this transition and to successfully implement it.
With our network, we can draw on the relevant expertise depending on the project and give you a helping hand.
– Sustainability is the new digital. –
It is with great gratitude that he has always been able to turn his passions into his profession. These include organising the largest water sports events in the world, paired with media staging. He foresees trends and has been successfully realising innovative concepts in the field of sustainability for over 12 years. These include the Good News Award, the first business Oscar for sustainability, and the first intermodal e-mobility platform in holiday destinations.
Now his mission is to convince media and brands of their great responsibility for the planet. For this he had the idea to found blue life as a network.
– Preserving the beauty of creation. –
Generations before her have taken care of plants and animals. After her professional training, she was able to gain her first experience in the social sector at the Caritas Association and tried to incorporate this into her agency work. The forces of nature were a constant companion in sports such as wind and kite surfing and provided a wonderful stage – but the awareness of a higher responsibility does not allow her to stop aiming for higher goals.
– Sustainability is only created by those who set out –
He wants to be a good example to his children and teach them that if you want to make a difference, you have to involve yourself. That’s why he brings himself and his skills into a network that he is convinced is motivated and qualified to shape change. He thinks that courageous are those, who set out and stand behind an idea – their idea – with conviction. That’s why he urges everyone to “Be brave – let us motivate you and set out with us.”
– True to the motto Rüm Hart – Klaar Kiming do justice to the term sustainability! –
Graduate in environmental sciences, water and coastal management and environmental/infrastructure planning in Germany and the Netherlands with a deeply rooted background related to the sea and an environmentally and socially conscious lifestyle. Usually leaves the car until a jump start becomes necessary.
At blue life we are always looking for motivated employees and supporters who are as driven by our vision as we are. People who can help us implement sustainability projects to create greater awareness of the development of our planet and work for a better future.
Whether you want to support us with your volunteering, a patronage or as an ambassador or in mutual cooperation: we offer you a steep learning curve, a lot of personal responsibility from the very beginning – in an organisation that drives reforestation projects with a deep-rooted socio-ecological component and in close connection with the economy.
Let’s build a leading organisation together, do good in terms of sustainability and have fun while doing so!
You can always send us an unsolicited application at
blue life gGmbH